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How to Resolve "No connections available in the pool" Error in Laravel Redis

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In Laravel's Redis,

I summarized the solution for the error "No connections available in the pool" that occurred.

Verified Environment

PHP 7.4
Laravel 6
predis 2.2
Cluster mode


  1. HOST, password, port, etc. are incorrect.

In my case,

// This is incorrect. :6379 is not needed.

The cause of this error was that I mistakenly included the port at the end of the URL.

  1. Cannot be verified locally

AWS ElastiCache can only be connected from within AWS services such as EC2.

If you try to verify the connection locally, you will encounter a similar error, so be sure to verify the connection from EC2 or similar.

Why did this happen?

When you press the copy button next to the endpoint on the AWS ElastiCache management screen,

The unnecessary port is attached to the current settings.

ElastiCache endpoint

This is an image from the management screen, and the URL has a port number at the end.

Therefore, you need to remove the part with HOST:6397.


That's all. I hope this can be helpful to someone.

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