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Deploying a PHP 7.4 + Laravel 6 Project to AWS EC2

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This article explains how to deploy a PHP7.4 and Laravel6 project to AWS EC2. Various commands specifying the PHP version are included, making it a useful reference for people using different versions.

Creating and Connecting to EC2

Creating an EC2 Instance

  • Access the AWS console.
  • Go to the instance screen under the EC2 section.
  • Click on "Launch instance" in the top right corner.
  • Choose AmazonLinux.
  • Select "t2.micro" as it is available in the free tier.

Creating a Security Group in Step 6

  • Name the security group.
  • Add "HTTP" to the inbound rules.

Creating a Key Pair when Starting up

  • Create a key pair with a specified name for SSH connection.

SSH Connection to EC2

  • Open terminal.
  • Navigate to the folder where the key is saved.
  • Change permissions using the command chmod 400 ????.pem.
  • Connect to EC2 using the command ssh -i "???.pem" ec2-user@????.ap-northeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com.

Installing PHP7.4

  • Install PHP7.4, Apache, and MySQL.
  • Use various commands to install PHP7.4 and necessary extensions.

Installing Composer

  • Change permissions using sudo chown ec2-user:ec2-user /var/www/html.
  • Visit the Composer official website and follow the instructions to install Composer.

Connecting to GitHub via SSH

  • Install Git using sudo yum install git.
  • Create an SSH key for connecting to GitHub.

Setting up Laravel Environment

  • Clone the Laravel project.
  • Install dependencies and generate a key for the .env file.

Editing Apache Config File

  • Edit the Apache config file to point to the Laravel project's public directory.
  • Restart Apache for the changes to take effect.

Setting up RDS for Database

  • Create an RDS instance in the AWS console.
  • Update the .env file with database connection details.

Bonus: Accessing Database on EC2

  • Access the database on EC2 using the command mysql -h <DB instance> -P 3306 -u <username> -p.

This concludes the deployment of a Laravel project on EC2. Additional steps may be required for projects using Laravel-mix with Vue.js, such as installing Node.js separately.

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