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How to Create Test Data Using Factory in Laravel

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This article provides a summary on how to create test data using Factory in Laravel.

What is a Factory?

A Factory in Laravel is a feature used to create test data (for Seeder or PHP Unit).

By associating it with a model and creating a Factory class beforehand, you can create test data with just a simple line like this:

$user = User::factory()->make();

How to Use Factory

Creating a Table

For this example, let’s assume we already have a users table where test data will be created.

For information on creating tables, refer to the following article:

⇨ How to Create a Database in Laravel (Migration)

Adding to the User Model (Only for Older Versions)

In current versions, this is already included by default when creating a model.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;

class User extends Model
  use HasFactory;  //Add this line

Creating a Factory File

php artisan make:factory UserFactory

This will generate database/factories/UserFactory.php.

Next, edit this file.


As of Laravel 11

public function definition(): array
    return [
        'name' => fake()->name(),

Using the helper function fake(), this inserts a test data name. By changing name() to email(), it will create test data for email addresses instead.

There are many available functions, so check the official documentation to see which ones are offered.


In Laravel 6

use App\Models\User;

protected $model = User::class;

public function definition()
  return [
    'name' => $this->faker->name()

Writing in the Seeder File

Edit database/seeders/DatabaseSeeder.php:

namespace Database\Seeders;

use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;

class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder
    public function run(): void
        \App\Models\User::factory(100)->create(); //Add this line

Executing Test Data Generation

Run the following command:

php artisan db:seed

If 100 records have been created in the users table, you’re all set!

Difference Between Factory and Seeder

Laravel also provides a feature called Seeder.

How to Prepare Test Data in Laravel (Using Seeder)

Since their functions are similar, it’s easy to confuse the two.

Factory is for creating dummy data.

Use Seeder if you want to actually insert test data into the database.

You can define the data for test purposes in Factory and use it as follows:

  1. If inserting test data into the database, use Seeder (as in this example).
  2. Use it in PHP Unit testing to create test data.


Factory might feel daunting at first, but it’s a very convenient feature that allows you to create shared data for both test data generation and test code execution. Give it a try!

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